So yesterday I had to go to SEARS. Now this is not a place that I frequent often. However, awhile back I had to get new tires on my car. I called around and they had the best deal at the time so I took my car to SEARS to get new tires. They seemed competent at the time. The tires work well, they haven't fallen off, I haven't had any complaints.
In the past couple of weeks I have had this strange shimmy when I brake if I am going over 30mph. My dad took a look at the car and thought it might help to have the tires rotated. They needed it anyway so I headed to SEARS. When I arrived I was greeted by a sweet looking older man who was happy to help me.
I explained that I needed a tire rotation, but while they had the tires off could they inspect under the car to see if anything looked off. I told him about the shimmy and he suggested that it might be the rotors.
I should tell you my dad knows a lot about cars and he is always my first pick for mechanic.
He just put new rotors on not that long ago, so I was pretty sure that wasn't it and I informed him of this little tidbit of information. I again asked if they could just look around under the car and let me know what they thought might be causing the shaking and to call me before they did any work.
About an hour later I get a phone call from the nice man at SEARS.
SEARS: Mrs. Wyatt, I wanted to let you know that your car is finished and you can pick it up.
ME: Did you find anything out about the shimmying?
SEARS: Well we don't think it is the rotors. We looked at them and the are "PRETTY SHINY". We can replace them for you if you want, we just aren't sure.
ME: Well if you aren't sure I don't think I want to replace them, but how much is it to replace the rotors?
SEARS: Oh, let's see to replace the rotors would cost around $340 dollars.
ME: So you are telling me that you don't think it is the rotors, but I can replace them if I want for $340, but they look SHINY so that might not be the problem?
SEARS: Exactly!
I picked up my car, tires rotated (I think) and drove off with my shiny rotors and the shimmy!
What did I learn today? Don't trust the nice older man at SEARS with my car. Get a second opinion!
you already know my mazda story, sometimes i just wonder how did they get their job, their shining personality?! i will be happy to vent about CS anytime!
ReplyDeleteYay! I'm so glad you're blogging. GW and I went to Office Max yesterday and we picked up two packs of packing tape because the sign said, "Buy one, get one free". At the register, they rang up full price. When we showed the lady the sign, she just said the sign was wrong and wouldn't give us the deal anyway. It was their mistake! They should have given it to us. Grrrrr. Look forward to more CS talk!
ReplyDeleteso today we went to jamba juice for acai bowls, matt ordered one 16 oz. with no granola for me and one 24 oz. for him. she gave him 2 16oz. bowls, he said i ordered one 24 oz. and she said well you confused me with no granola and i only charged you for the 16 oz. anyway, matt said well yeah but i wanted a 24 oz. and she was like "yeaah" matt just left, people are so dumb!
ReplyDeleteso sorry for another comment but when you use a proper name like S*ears put an asterisks in it somewhere, so that when someone googles s*ears they don't get your blog or so that s*ears doesn't get mad at you;)