Sorry it has been so long since my last post. This one isn't exactly about a customer service experience I had, but it definately makes for bad customer service.
So, a few Sunday's ago Jordan and I had to stop at Walgreens after church. There are two check out lines. One across from the other. Jordan and I were waiting in line on one side and the manager came up in the line on the other side. She cut in front of someone to have a chat with her cashier. The cashier on the other side was an older women probably well into her 70's. This always makes me wonder. Does she like getting out and working or does she need the job because she can't afford her meds or something and so she has to take a job at Walgreens. The manager on the other hand couldn't have been older than 21. I'm just sayin'.
Anyway, Jordan was purchasing so I was just standing there and overheard this conversation.
Manager: So you have left early two nights in a row.
Cashier: Yes
Manager: Why would you do that?
Cashier: I told you, I wasn't feeling well.
Manager: You can't just make your own schedule. You are put on the schedule for those hours for a reason. You can't just leave early because you don't feel good.
Cashier: I am sorry, I really wasn't feeling well. I understand I can't make my own schedule. That is not what I was trying to do.
Manager: Are you trying to make me look dumb. You left two nights in a row at 8:00. You weren't really sick two nights in a row.
(Remember, this is in the front of the store in the cashiers line with customers standing around)
Cashier: I WASN'T feeling well.
Manager: Well, for now on I am going to need you to follow the schedule or we will have to try to find someone else who WANTS to follow the schedule.
Cashier: (looking mortified)
Manager: (looking very proud of herself)
Jordan and I finished our purchase and I said to the cashier checking us out, "I am not sure this is the best place for your manager to be having this conversation." He just smiled.
I should have called and complained. Whether the lady cashier is a pain or a hard worker in general didn't matter. At that point the manager was just trying to make her look bad and embarressed.
It made me sad for that woman the rest of the day!
Walgreens at Elm and Watson. You need a new manager!
happy to see a post and that is customer service, i think retail in general needs help!! that is so innapropriate and you should call and you should have totally called her out!! how ridiculous!!
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